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Future and Visual Pinball File Naming

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Since Future Pinball and Visual Pinball aren't as organized as MAME when it comes to file naming (at least I don't think they are), I'm wondering how do I make sure my tables are named correctly so that EmuMovies will recognize them and download the correct artwork for them? The problem is compounded by the fact that you can get the same tables at multiple websites which may name the file differently than each other. Any advice on how to go about organizing the files? Thanks.

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I ended up just downloading all of the zip files individually and putting all of the pics on my computer.

One important thing that someone should take note of is that there are MANY redundant files in pinball snaps downloads. There are like 30+ zip files to download for the Visual Pinball snaps. I estimate about 75% of those files contained 100% redundant pics. Meaning most of the zip files didn't even need to be downloaded because the files they contained were already contained in previous zip files.

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