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Ultimarc Announces: Ultimarc ServoStik. 4-8 way joystick with powered restrictor.


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I just saw this over at BYOAC and couldn't wait to share. Looks like Andy over at Ultimarc has developed yet another joystick and this one sounds awesome. It's a regular 8-Way with a motor driven restrictor plate. You can physically switch it from 4-way to 8-way via software over USB.

Get the full details over at Ultimarc


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I just saw this over at BYOAC and couldn't wait to share. Looks like Andy over at Ultimarc has developed yet another joystick and this one sounds awesome. It's a regular 8-Way with a motor driven restrictor plate. You can physically switch it from 4-way to 8-way via software over USB.

Get the full details over at Ultimarc


This is great for games like tron when the light cycles come up it can switch to 4 way. using this plugin.

JoyChoose 1.0.2 by DaOld Man http://malafe.net/in...hp?page=plugins

Using this script http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,117395.msg1243777.html#msg1243777


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well according to Andy these new ones are still using the JLW as the base stick. The magsticks have a heavier spring in them, which when gaming longer fatigues you faster. I like the slightly looser, softer feel of the sanwas. Of course I love Supers too, but the sanwas even better.

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