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Download Service Maintenance


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Update: 1st August 3PM US Eastern Time

We are about 70% Complete with the upgrade. Members may not be able to connect for extended periods of time. We will post as soon as we have another update.

Update: 30th July 10PM US Eastern Time.

The upgrade had to be halted due to a faulty raid controller. This is now resolved and the upgrade has recommenced. Please expect some down time over the next 24 hours.

Thank you for your patience.


We are currently upgrading the download service server with a fast SCSI raid array and solid state hard drives to allow for future growth and to also offer current users a faster and more reliable service.

Therefore unfortunatly the service will be up and down over the next couple of days as we migrate the storage.

We are doing our best to keep down time to a minimum and apologise in advance for the service interuption.

Thank you for your understanding while we bring you a better EmuMovies.

Edited by Circo
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