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Pivate Messages History?


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I feel a bit silly here but for the life of me I can't seem to find the option for private messages on the new forums. Clicking on a person's name and selecting "send me a private message" works just fine of course but where can I find the actual private messages "inbox", message history, etc...

In the Help section it states you should click on your name in the top corner (I assume it means the "signed in as Aabra" option - and then it states to click on the "messenger" option.... which unfortunately doesn't exist. Maybe this was for the old forums? Any help with this would be appreciated.... I'm sure it's staring at me right in the face and I'm just too dense to see it!

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I feel a bit silly here but for the life of me I can't seem to find the option for private messages on the new forums. Clicking on a person's name and selecting "send me a private message" works just fine of course but where can I find the actual private messages "inbox", message history, etc...

In the Help section it states you should click on your name in the top corner (I assume it means the "signed in as Aabra" option - and then it states to click on the "messenger" option.... which unfortunately doesn't exist. Maybe this was for the old forums? Any help with this would be appreciated.... I'm sure it's staring at me right in the face and I'm just too dense to see it!

At the top of the screen where it says "Signed on as username" thats a drop down menu with all of your options.

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