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Download Service - Directories


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OK, So I used the DSU to get -All Artwork- for SEGA Genesis. The match ROM folder was set to C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\

SEGA Genesis\Roms and the download folder was set to C:\Hyperspin\Media\SEGA Genesis

DSU created a folder C:\Hyperspin\Media\SEGA Genesis\Sega_Genesis and put all of the subfolder in there (Advert, Box etc..)

So... How do I tell HyperSpin to look here for all the goodies? I tried editing the SEGA ini file under settings but no works. Where would I put intro videos ?

Thanks in advance.

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Hyperspin has specific artwork that is made just for that front end. It just doesn't work right with generic. The "FLV" videos need to be put in the media\[system]\videos folder.

When 2.0 comes out we will have a hyperspin specific version of the downloader that does videos.

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