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(Scene News)GameEx and PinballX Seasonal Updates


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Introducing PinballX 2.50, GameEx and GameEx Arcade Edition 15.00

Big updates for the season.

These are mainly performance improvement related releases with general optimizations to key functions as well as rendering and the executable compiles.

This should hopefully result in better FPS and speed improvements throughout although obviously it will be more noticeable on lower end machines.

With GameEx several other areas have been improved for performance such as the Jukebox, loading Game Info, the Movie Library and getting Meta Data.

In addition the YouTube feature is now working again and the Move Library has been improved significantly. Getting Meta Data for the movie library is now much quicker to and downloading music artist and album images is working again.

I also made the decision to make the Media Library and DVD/BluRays on disk features free for all users and no longer a registered version feature.

I am toying with the idea of releasing a sub version of GameEx without gaming features, purely as a free HTPC solution. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

In preparation for the season I, and behalf of all of my loyal team and friends who work alongside me wish you all the best, happy thanksgiving, happy Hanukkah, Eid, Kwanzaa and Merry Christmas!.


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