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Video Discussion: Colecovision with MESS - LaunchBox Tutorial


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Name: Colecovision with MESS - LaunchBox Tutorial
Category: Front-End Tutorials
Date Added: 2017-01-21
Submitter: SentaiBrad

In today's tutorial, I will show you how to get the historical Colecovision up and running with MESS. I've moved on from MESS Standalone to MAME with the integrated MESS code. It's pretty much the exact same process, minus a few extra steps, so it's technically easier! Just find a MAME Split pack, and follow the instructions!

MAME Windows Download: http://mamedev.org/release.php

MESS Console List (Compatability and BIOS identification)

MESS Command Line List (Cross reference with BIOS name)

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Colecovision with MESS - LaunchBox Tutorial
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