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Convert a video aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3


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I was missing one video from my SG-1000 collection, so I downloaded it from youtube. Then, when I was testing it in HyperSpin, I noticed that it had 16:9, while all my other videos are 4:3.

I've tried 3 different softwares, claiming they could convert the aspect ratio, but all they really did was add black bars to the top and the bottom. Lame.

Does anyone know a solution for this problem? It's only one video but it's quite offensive to my OCD.

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In case someone else googles this, I found a much easier solution. If you open up the theme.xml (inside the default.zip file located in the 'themes' folder for a system, all you have to do is change the forceaspect= to forceaspect="both". No need to change the aspect ratio of any video.

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