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Gameboy Color Not Finding Specific Files.



Hi The following games do not find the videos, Titles, or snaps.

Oddly enough the synch program found the cart files just fine.

Titles and snaps have been verified to exist named the same as well as videos


007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA, Europe)
Caesars Palace II (USA, Europe)
Deja Vu I & II - The Casebooks of Ace Harding (USA)
Dragon Warrior I & II (USA)
Dragon Warrior III (USA)
ESPN International Track & Field (USA)
Hole In One Golf (USA)
Inspector Gadget - Operation Madkactus (USA)
International Rally (USA)
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (USA)
International Superstar Soccer '99 (Europe)
International Track & Field (USA)
Monsters, Inc. (USA)
NBA In the Zone (USA) (Rev A)
NBA In the Zone 2000 (USA)
Space Invaders (USA)
Star Wars Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures (USA)
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (USA, Europe)
Wario Land II (USA, Europe)

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