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Current PC Title Video Snaps?


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Hello all I'm SSmoker & new here.  I found this site thru Launchbox & I must say for Mame & emulators this site rocks.  Two thumbs up.:D

But when it comes to current PC titles (like Call of duty or farcry 4) there's not much content in comparison to Mame & emulated titles.  I guess this is due to the fact that most of the front ends are more game type specific.  Like Mame only for example.   Why do i care??  I am using Launchbox in conjunction with its Bigbox integration for Kodi.  This gives me the ability to have an entertainment system that truly has it all under one front end.  Video, Tv. Movies, pictures, retro gaming & current high end gaming. 

My question is can anyone here point me in the right direction to find additional video content snaps similar to the ones for Mame & Sega for current PC titles?  Thanks in advance.

If I'm off base on this let me know - Thanks


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Besides the 950 we have made, which is just a small dent, YouTube or steam is your only option. The pc library is just way to big for us to attack at this time. We do get plenty of submissions that we add but I don't ever see us having a complete set.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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