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Questions about Donations

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this and I'm sorry if it isn't. I've searched far and wide but I can't seem to find an answer to this question.

The payment plan for a yearly account of premium emumovies says it's $30 and then $20 a year, and similarly $20 and $5/mo for the monthly plan. My question (might be that I'm just dense tonight) is if I choose a yearly plan do I get charged $50 immediately? Or $30 and then $20 at a later time like a year from now something? I know that doesn't sound right, but my confusion is if I'm getting charged $50 immediately my personal thought would be "why not just pay $60 and get the lifetime instead", obviously not everyone can and that's a personal situation but it is the fuel behind my confusion.

This isn't meant as a comparison about value between plans, or a debate of any sort. Honestly for the services rendered each plan seems fine; I'm just in a particular financial situation and want to make sure before I choose.

Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

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