Game Manuals
1 file
game manuals Atari 2600 Game Manuals Pack (FE Optimized)
By EmuMovies
Introducing version 2.0 of the Atari 2600 Game Manuals Pack. Not only does this version increase the number of manuals from 555 to 808 manuals, but quality has been improved and in many cases manuals have been replaced altogether. Most importantly all manuals have been optimized for front-end use. All feature an optimized full screen page by page view. Previously these views were all over the place. This should be a pretty massive upgrade for all.
EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for the Atari 2600
Optimized for Front-Ends
Availability: Site, FTP & EmuMovies Sync
(File List) Atari 2600 (Game Manuals)(No-Intro)(EM 2.0) [FE Optimized].txt
- emumovies official
- atari 2600
- (and 1 more)