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Download Service Utility offers no videos


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I'm pretty sure I'm a paid-up supporting member.  When I open the download service utility (using the newest version) it logs me in just fine but I don't see any videos in the "available media" dropdown for MAME (or for any other system for that matter).  It's always worked fine for me in the past.  Am I missing something?

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Also... I figured I might download some other artwork just to look at it.  I told the utility to download adverts and cabinets.  It only dowloaded about five of each which probably isn't one percent of the total number of MAME roms I have in the corresponding directory.

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The rom path is correct.  I'm not smart enough to know how to generate a screen shot, but picture in your mind the newest version of the download utility.  On the download tab, pick MAME from the list of systems.  Then go to the dropdown marked "Available Media" and its default choice is "All Artwork" - click that dropdown and it will drop down, all the choices are there - except any kind of video.  I test my login information on the Login Information tab and it gives me the "Success" prompt.  Thanks for working with me; I don't want to throw in the towel just yet.

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Looks like they "upgraded" my status to "Supporting Member" and it works fine now.  Thanks for the replies!l


Glad you got it sorted out. I figured it was something like that, but every time I glanced at your name here on the forums, it said "supporting Member" so I guess it just took a little time for the DSU to detect the change.

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