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Subscription clarification question

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Hi all,


I donated 20$ (2 days ago) as "Monthly subscription" and I realise that I might not have understood well. Is the "5$ Monthly" renewal automatic (like..forced) or does it mean we can choose to add 1 month when we feel like it.


It's confusing because (I just realised it.. i'm french so I might miss some stuff) 'monthly' means "each month", but on our account it says it "expires" ...If it's not automatic renewal then I would have called it "1-month subscription".


Thanks for making this more clear to me, I'm sorry but I can't offer more than 20, and besides, i'm doing it for a friend, not even for me.


Anyway, thanks for all this hard work you guys putted in, this site is awesome.


(tried pming Circo.. apparently it says he reads it but I had no answer so i'm trying my luck here with the whole community)

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Oops sorry about that. Like the big red note says when submitting a pm please use the support ticketing system for support or account questions as no one can see your account settings in a pm. Also check out your confirmation email from PayPal. Everything you need is there.

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