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Only US stuff ?

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I have a question about the FTP, is there only US stuff like in the normal download area or can I find more stuff like JP and EUR stuff?

And I have a question about the download service utility. It scans my set and when it finds european or canadian stuff it adds the US artwork while naming it CAN or EUR. Is there a way to configure it and force it to use US when it's an US artwork?


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I have a question about the FTP, is there only US stuff like in the normal download area or can I find more stuff like JP and EUR stuff?

And I have a question about the download service utility. It scans my set and when it finds european or canadian stuff it adds the US artwork while naming it CAN or EUR. Is there a way to configure it and force it to use US when it's an US artwork?


We base our sets on the HyperList Naming convention. In most cases it starts with the no-intro set and is filtered down to english speaking games where the US version will have priority then europe and sometimes japanese. If your curious what exactly is available visit the download section and view the filelists of the video sets. The download service auto renames the sets to match your roms. If you would just like the packs unaltered grab them off the ftp or download section.

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