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Since Hyperspin Forum is Down and I need some help


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Hi All,

Normally I wouldn't post an issue like this here, but since I can't access the hyperspin forums i am out of luck.

I have been using Hyperspin 1.0 for almost a year now and it has been working great for me. I got it fully configured and have had no issues on on my pc with these specs

Windows 7 64 bit SP1

intel i5-2320 3 Ghz quad core processor

8 gb ram

I just got a new computer that i will be putting in my cabinet. I transferred all my HS files over to the new computer. It is

Windows 7 64 bit SP1

Anthlon II X4 645 3.1 GHz quad core

4 gb ram

Whenever I launch hyperspin on this new machine two big issues are occuring. What ever system i select from the first wheel to enter causes the wheel to reset back to the top of the wheel with the first option being MAME. So I am unable to enter any system at this point. Also hitting the exit key just causes the mame interface to pause rather than quit. I double checked my input maps and everything seems normal. If anyone has seen this issue and has any idea what I can do to troubleshoot the help would be very appreciated.

Thank You All


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I'm using a real keyboard. The setup is just simply the PC, a monitor, a standard usb keyboard and a standard usb mouse. Wanted to configure hyperspin in the computer before doing anything drastic with it.

Also want to point out that the PC is brand new out of the box

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actually i tried both. I tried the the copying and even launching from my external drive it is on. This works fine on my original computer. I also tried a fresh install and all versions seem to be having the same issue.

Could it be something related to autohotkey

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You want your problems solved? Too bad, Waluigi time!


Lol, just kidding, but I honestly don't know what the deal is - hyperspin run perfect on my Windows 7 machine. Try running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP and see if it makes a difference.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but no luck. Like I mentioned previously my other computer running windows 7 is running it absolutely perfectly without any issues. It has to be something I missed in beginning configurations.

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Does your external drive have the same drive letter on the new PC? If not, then HyperSpin isn't finding your settings or XMLs. I had that same problem until I changed the drive letter to match the one on my old PC.

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Actually they share the same drive letter. It is F: on my old pc and when i connect to the new PC it is still F:, its a good suggestion, but I did consider it before. I tried installing a fresh hyperspin on the PC just the program itself, and that was having the same issues. I was just trying out the emulators by themselves outside of hyperspin, and they are working fine.

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Hi mate. Had the same problem when I moved my Hyperspin to a fresh PC. Ended up being that I didnt have a sound driver installed, which for some reason causes the same issue you are having.

Do you have sound drivers set-up on you new PC yet?

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WOW as soon as i plugged some crappy speakers into the audio jack it started working perfectly. Didnt have to download any drivers or anything. Simply stunning. i wonder why something as simple as that would cause such a headache. Well I guess this work around is good for right now.

I want to thank every one for the help in assisting me. Thank you very much all. Of course this had to happen the day the hyperspin forum went down. Who knows, might have gotten the answer there in 5 minutes.

Thank You Everyone!

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