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best way for no-intro


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ok, after looking around for half an hour i can't seem to find a good answer on this...

i have the moste recent no-intro pack for nes games and the HQ flv vids from emumovies... how do i get rid of the roms in other languages so that only roms with a video display?

one more thing: does gameex display the proper name without (usa) as a default?

i'm trying to figure out how to have a clean list with only us roms and videos in gameex ...thanks for any helpt!

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ok, after looking around for half an hour i can't seem to find a good answer on this...

i have the moste recent no-intro pack for nes games and the HQ flv vids from emumovies... how do i get rid of the roms in other languages so that only roms with a video display?

one more thing: does gameex display the proper name without (usa) as a default?

i'm trying to figure out how to have a clean list with only us roms and videos in gameex ...thanks for any helpt!

I would suggest using fatmatch and use the videos as a base and then compare to your rom set, it will move all the matched roms and ensure the naming is correct to a new folder ensuring you have a complete set.

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thanks for the reply circo,

the roms are already named exactly like the emumovies videos. when i use fatmatch it tells me that there are a lot of roms that have 95% proximity... i didnt find a way to just filter out the 100% files. is there a tutorial on how to use fatmatch somewhere?

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i figured it out:

i used joe renamer to rename all the flv files to zip, then i used beyond compare and it turned out i still had to change some filenames manually to comply to the newest NES No-Intro Set (some games were changed from USA,Japan to World for example)

After moving all the orphaned files to a different folder i had a clean set of only NES games with videos!

thanks for this awesome collection!

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