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Great Progress


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Circo and team, I really wanted to congratulate you guys on all the progress that you have made with the forums and the project in the last few months. I haven't been by in the past few weeks, busy in RL, and the change in the forums, download sections and FTP is huge! Can't wait to see where everything is a month from now! Proud to be a Lifetime member and getting every pennies worth and more!!!

Don't know what I would do without EmuMovies. :P


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Circo and team, I really wanted to congratulate you guys on all the progress that you have made with the forums and the project in the last few months. I haven't been by in the past few weeks, busy in RL, and the change in the forums, download sections and FTP is huge! Can't wait to see where everything is a month from now! Proud to be a Lifetime member and getting every pennies worth and more!!!

Don't know what I would do without EmuMovies. :)


+1, great job guys!

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