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Sega - Master System - Mark III


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I've recently started a HQ Sega - Master System - Mark III video snap set. Currently, I'm down to letter N. This time around, I'm doing both (USA) and (Europe) since there aren't many USA games to begin with. I'm basically doing the same games that I had snaps for already. Meaning if there were some (Europe) games that didn't have snaps before, I probably won't do them since I don't know which were missing.

I've gotten a bit lazy with the editing. This time, I'm also just capturing and then cutting and compressing (xvid/mp3) in virtualdub. I'm not recording title screens for this one either. Just ~30 seconds of gameplay. The videos look exactly the way I played them, meaning full fps. 60fps games will look like 60 (silky smooth), 30fps games will look like 30 and 15fps games will look like 15, lol. I'll upload them all to my WIP folder once I'm finished.

This set has been pretty boring to make. Most games suck and I dunno if it's the console or the emulator, but the nasty input latency I get is not fun.

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I just finished this set and I'm currently uploading it to the WIP area of the FTP. As I previously said, it's got only around 30 seconds of gameplay and no title screen. No editing whatsoever, just cut and compressed to xvid/mp3 and keeping the 60fps. I only had 280 to do, so I may be missing some. If anyone finds a game that needs a video, let me know and I'll definitely create it.

I wonder what set I'll start next.. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Great set, thank you, I just upgraded to this one. I converted the videos to FLV in HQ mode and cut all the black corders that 95% of the games had so that gameplay is fullscreen now. Since the videos had the black corners diferently spread out I had to edit each video individually. Is it ok with you if I upload the edited FLV set? (only difference is no more black corners). I'll make sure you'll get all the credit ofc (adding your name to the folder I put them in or perhaps even upload them into your folder?)

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Great set, thank you, I just upgraded to this one. I converted the videos to FLV in HQ mode and cut all the black corders that 95% of the games had so that gameplay is fullscreen now. Since the videos had the black corners diferently spread out I had to edit each video individually. Is it ok with you if I upload the edited FLV set? (only difference is no more black corners). I'll make sure you'll get all the credit ofc (adding your name to the folder I put them in or perhaps even upload them into your folder?)

Sorry for the late reply. Been busy lately.

No problem at all. I did it with that purpose, so anyone could do whatever they want with them. Credit or not, doesn't matter to me. As long as everyone is happy, everything is good. I'm sure lots of people will like your FLV version so go ahead and do what you must, if you haven't already. :D

Oh, no need to put them in my folder either, since that's your work, not mine. Keep it up you machine you. :)

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Sorry for the late reply. Been busy lately.

No problem at all. I did it with that purpose, so anyone could do whatever they want with them. Credit or not, doesn't matter to me. As long as everyone is happy, everything is good. I'm sure lots of people will like your FLV version so go ahead and do what you must, if you haven't already. :D

Oh, no need to put them in my folder either, since that's your work, not mine. Keep it up you machine you. :P

Great, uploading them now :P If anyone notices any video being badly cropped then just PM me and I'll fix it. Thanks Keno!

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