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No sticky for video submission guidance??

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Am I blind or is it hard to find the video upload guidance?

@Circo I checkd FAQ, video forum and downloads/submit files sections.

Surprised to not see much info on video standards.

I'm sure I can find it and I know its a few seconds title screen 30s ish gameplay but I always forget :) be handy for a reminder.

I want to make a start on NeoGeo AES just dont want to upload total crap.

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Thanks... embarrassing for me:) 

On 23/04/2018 at 1:07 AM, Circo said:

I do need to get on a 2018 tutorial kick though

Yep doooo it....


Fyi not sure why this didn't post days ago by the editor reloading is really handy sometimes (can't use emojis!!!!)

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