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Best Alternative to "Free" File Hosting Sites (Rapidshare, Megaupload)


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EmuMovies offers free file hosting for all things related to Front-Ends and setting them up correctly.

Most common types of files that should be hosted here


Front-End friendly EmuLators

Emulator Support files


Front End Skins

3rd Party Apps

It is free to upload (there is a 250MB file size limit) and it is 100% free for our members to download. Instead of uploading and linking to free fileshare sites like Mega Upload and Rapidshare we encourage our members to upload and link to emumovies. There will be 0 wait time and it allows you to add detailed descriptions and screenshots. And it will be archived in an easy to navigate interface, giving you access to a much broader audience. For example anyone try hunting for MameWah skins lately? Good luck finding them, they were spread out all over the internet and now it's just a mass of broken links.

Anything that you need to set up your FE build. EmuMovies also now supports PAID submissions, so if you have an app or skin that you would like to sell we can help with that as well.

EmuMovies is dedicated to making this hobby as accessible as possible, and we support all Front-Ends. The goal here is not only to have a centralized place to get videos and artwork but also a centralized place to really get everything that you need to complete your project. For example "What emulators should I use? The answer is out there but it takes hunting through forums and google searches to find it. We hope you find this free service attractive and helpful. Feedback and Suggestions are welcome.

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