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Content Updates-Sammy Atomiswave Videos & Artwork Updated (Version 2.0)


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I am calling this run of video snaps the EmuMovies loves Demul series.  The Sega Dreamcast and its affiliated arcade systems are some of my favorites.  When I found out just what a big improvement the latest Demul emulator was over previous versions I decided it was time to redo all the Video Snaps.  This pack is a HUGE improvement over our previous set, and I have also made a new default platform video as well as new gameplay and title snaps.  These new Demul based packs will be available in SD, HQ & HD quality levels.




    Preview (Platform Video)


    Some quick details

    • Captures, Edits & Encoding - @Circo
    • High Definition - 1.05GB / High Quality - 504MB / Standard Quality - 114MB
    • All videos captured using Demul 0.7a


    Videos Added / Replaced - 31

    • anmlbskt.mp4
    • basschal.mp4
    • basschalo.mp4
    • claychal.mp4
    • demofist.mp4
    • dirtypig.mp4
    • dolphin.mp4
    • fotns.mp4
    • ftspeed.mp4
    • ggisuka.mp4
    • ggx15.mp4
    • kofnw.mp4
    • kofnwj.mp4
    • kofxi.mp4
    • kov7sprt.mp4
    • maxspeed.mp4
    • mslug6.mp4
    • ngbc.mp4
    • ngbcj.mp4
    • rangrmsn.mp4
    • rumblef.mp4
    • rumblef2.mp4
    • rumblefp.mp4
    • rumblf2p.mp4
    • salmankt.mp4
    • samsptk.mp4
    • sprtshot.mp4
    • sushibar.mp4
    • vfurlong.mp4
    • xtrmhnt2.mp4
    • xtrmhunt.mp4

    Grab the new video snaps and artwork immediately via:

    EmuMovies Website (SQ Only)

    Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HD, HQ & SQ)

    EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HD, HQ & SQ)


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