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i have problem which is really frustrating and annoying i have over 230 systems and when i want to search for the media which is great because it is all set alphabetically but when i want to check on these systems after the artwork is complete on the system there is no order at all and sometimes it takes  me 20 minutes to find the system im looking for something because my vision isnt great and i wear glasses and was hoping you guys could make the "System" alphabetically.by the way thankyou so much for such a great progam


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thanks for the info as i was a little frustrating,Also one more thing which is a lot to ask for i think .i have started making collections like all the final fights.castlevania,mario,sonic etc etc etc the list gets a lot longer but it gives the general idea of what i would like to do so is there anyway to update these databases to include collections to make life a lot lot easier or would i still have to search the internet or the ftps as i am a platinum member of both hyperspin and emu movies.......thankyou for reading and i hope you understand the situation and also please please please keep up the fantastic work all you guys do or i would be lost and in the dark 

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In hyperspin the only way I know how to do it is to create the database yourself, there are programs, dons hyperspin tools, that can help, but essentially you would create a new system called "Mario" or something then an xml with all the mario entries, then using rocketlauncher tell hs which emulator to launch each game with. It's not easy and might be missing some art, but it's not impossible. Another possible option is there used to be a third party app called Hypersearch which would generate those lists on the fly (not create a wheel).

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk

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