Game Manuals
1 file
game manuals Magnavox Odyssey 2 Game Manual Collection
By StarControl
I started with the emumovies 1.0 collection, added in all the non-USA manuals that I could scrape from, and finally purchased all 47 of the US Magnavox game releases, scanned them in personally from my personal copies and cleaned each and every page up meticulously. Scans were done at 600 dpi, and descreened down to 300 dpi. Page size was standardized. If you print at 100% scaling you will get the actual manual size. Defects were cleaned. 2 page spreads should print seamlessly. OCR was done on the PDFs to make them searchable. All 47 U.S. manuals followed the exact same procedure, so the set is very consistent. The Master Strategy Manuals include scans of the game boards and overlays and game pieces. I explicitly give permission to spread these far and wide for non-monetary purposes as long as you don't do anything stupid like password protect the PDF's so they can't be printed (some of the manuals do that).
ci2own asked me to reupload this as a single file, so here you go.