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Star Fox (SNES) Maximus Arcade

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I need some help! I'm working on a Maximus Arcade system for my kids for Christmas and I ran into a snag with my Star Fox rom, when I load the Maximus Arcade, neither the snap, nor the video snap will load. I've changed the name of all 3 to match and still nothing. Anyone have a clue how to get them to work?

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  • 8 months later...

not sure about MA using .avi. (but I haven't tried with that format) The version I have seems to want .swf files, so any conversion utility like iSkySoft will turn them into the right format and you're good to go. 


What Riffman81 said about the support though, nailed it. While the program is stable enough that you probably won't have issues getting it working and keeping it working, setup and configuration questions (especially for themes) might be harder since there is no community even that supports it. I'm currently using it and have configured my own custom theme from scratch, but it was about 3 solid days of figuring out all the nuances of MA before I could do everything I wanted. :)

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