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adding artwork to hyperspin


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Lets start by checking to make sure all of your media is named to match your ROMs perfectly.The name of the media has to match the name of your ROMs or else it wont show up in HS. Did you use HyperSync to download your media? If so, it should be named correctly. You'll want to make sure your using the latest version of HyperLaunch and HyperLaunchHQ. Could you be a little more specific as to what isn't showing in HyperSpin? I have trouble with Box Art not showing in some themes from time to time. Most Box Art must be placed in the "Artwork 4" folder, but not always. Sometimes it varies from theme to theme.There should be a dummy file in some of the theme Artwork folders named "Place Box Art Here" or something like that. Of course, that's where you'll want to put your Box Art. If it's a video problem, check to make sure you have all the proper codecs installed. I use Shark 007 codecs running Windows 7. You might also want to post over on the HyperSpin forums, as this forum isn't really geared towards HyperSpin support. It's for issues and such relating to EmuMovies.

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