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Where can I get this MAME system theme?

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That theme should still be on the HyperSpin FTP. Try there :)


Thanks much.  Do you have any idea what it's called, or if it's in the Gold downloads?  My wife would be sad if she knew I'm tossing the Journey song, but it's gotta go :D  Other than that, a great improvement over the clips-over-mechano panel Default theme.

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I think it's called "The games That Time Forgot" but I couldn't tell you where on the HyperSpin FTP it would be located. I would check the Gold Downloads as most themes are stored there. I'm sure Circo runs the YouTube channel, he's the main guy around here :)

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The theme was by Hyperspin forum member Magostin in 2008.  It uses Dave Dries' Arcade 84 video, (still downloadable) but it's a very nice edit of it.  Would be very nice to find it again.  You can find the theme on the Hyperspin ftp as Mame-marco(20080901).zip in Magostin's folder, but the video is missing.

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