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Multi-system Intro Video(s)


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  I was wondering if it would be possible sometime to get an intro video made up showcasing popular consoles/arcade systems/games?? The reason I ask is because the ones I've found scattered out on the net are in poor quality, and I'm basically tired of the few that I have. I know there's a "Best System Intro" video on the FTP but was hoping it be possible to get a new one made up in 480p.


Just a request, no rush. I also have hundreds of game soundtracks on a backup HDD if you were interested in using custom music instead of what's heard in-game. Let me know what you think.

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A video in the vein of the best system intro is beyond the scope of my talents.  Thats mostly just from an mtv awards show.  


Yeah, I was aware that it was from the MTV Video Game Awards... I actually thought it was the Spike TV show a few years back. Anyhow, just thought I'd ask. Figure it might lead to other intro videos for multi-sytem arcade cabs. Wasn't looking for anything spectacular, just something different.

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