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Commodore VIC-20 Updated (1361 Videos)


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Since April, EmuMovies member Vicman has been working on a Commodore VIC-20 Video Snap and Artwork set. While still a work in progress, I have added the videos completed thus far to the FTP and Download service in all formats. This is an extremely complete set and includes 1361 videos that cover #-S (S is still in progress). Continue reading for a complete file listing of what has been added.

Below is a full list of the Video Snaps that were added to Commodore VIC-20.

Videos Added / Updated

[FILE LIST] Commodore VIC-20 (20121212)

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Would be great if next gamebase software added video support.

Yeah, i also hope Jimbo will add video support in his next gambase-update.

Otherwise you can use emuControlCenter 1 or 2 as Frontend with video-support ;-)

btw. thank you all for the kind words.

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