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Hi hope so one can help i have hyperspin and some movies and art work for my emus i grabbed the artwork pack for ps2 got the emu working ok on hyperspin but not sure how to add the ps2 covers tryed in all 4 artwork folders in hyperspin any help be great many thanks

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Unfortunately HyperSpin doesn't support PS2 out of the box, as there is no default theme or path for it. What you would have to do is to create your own theme with the HyperTheme program for use with Playstation 2, then add a custom wheel for it in HyperHQ. When you create the theme yourself you'll have full control over where you want the artwork to go.

Alternatively if you wanted to take the easy route you could just use the original Playstation (PSX) wheel for your PS2 games, however that would also mean you wouldn't be able to use it for PSX as well. If you wanted to do that though, then your cover art would go in the "Hyper Spin\Media\Sony Playstation\Images\Artwork2" folder. You should see a picture for the Castlevania Symphony of the Night game already in there by default.

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