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Creating Wheel Themes for DAPHNE??

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to Hyperspin and EmuMovies, so sorry if this sounds like a newbie question. After searching the forums on here and Hyperspin for the past two days I can't figure something out...thought you guys might be able to help..

I have Hyperspin running DAPHNE emu for my laser games. I don't have MAME or any other emu's running. So, in Hyperspin I have it setup so only DAPHNE comes up on the hyperspin wheel...

I added a theme that shows Dirk from Dragon's Lair and lets you scroll through each title on the wheel. I also have videos I downloaded from emumovies running so when you flip through the titles on the wheel you see a video running in the "Dirk" theme window. Ok..there is the background story..just want you all to know what I have so far..

My question is: I want a different "theme" window to pop up everytime someone scrolls through the games on the wheel. In other words, if you scroll to Space Ace then a SA window shows up with the SA video playing in it..instead of Space Ace video playing in the "Dirk" theme..like it does now. Is this even possible?? Hope this makes sense? Thanks for any help...

Thanks for the help!!


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The Dragons Lair theme you mention is the 'system' theme for Daphne. You need to download seperate 'game' themes for Space Ace, DL2 etc... you can get access to all these themes over at Hyperspin. Once you've got them (in .zip format) add them to your Daphne sub folder (you can find it in the hyperspin media folder) and they'll then show up when you select the game.

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