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Permission to Use Atari ST Box and Disk Artwork


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I would like permission to use some of your artwork on the Boxes (sides A + B) and the disk artwork on the Facebook group called Atari Emulators , my name is Russ Campbell, I am one of the admins there and will of course give credit to this site, and the creators of the artwork being used. We are going to use it for the various emulators that use  Steem and LaunchBox, a front end for Windows 10 32 or 64 Bit files. In return I will provide you with a link to the complete collection of Atari ST Roms, I have them all on my Dropbox site, just about all of them, all set up in alphabetical order for the Gotek Emulator on the Atari ST. I know that the members of the Facebook site would really appreciate having these box and disk art covers for just the Atari ST, I will send them here for the rest of the files available. I intend to sign up as a yearly user, so that will cover my downloading of the initial files. Please get back to me on this, I will not redistribute what I have downloaded without permission. Russ Campbell

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Never mind I figured out how to import graphics and movies from within LaunchBox , I have no intention of distributing anything as it is already laid out in Launchbox, I will still advertise EmuMovies, and I am now a subscriber.... my offer for roms still holds if you want them for the Atari ST , (I don't know if you offer them or not, if not please disregard). Russ


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