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Where are Logos to Download


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Having issues with figuring out what the Sync program wants for names for some of these games. Plus the fact that maybe there is not a logo at all for some so far.

Are we able to get logos from anywhere other than the app? Don't see them on the FTP or on the site.

Particularly Scumm and Daphne.

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Any wheel sets I have found for Scumm,have always been missing some...I just made the missing logos myself.

As for Daphne,the set is readily available on hyperspins site..probably here too but I have not checked. The only ones that may be missing are Time Gal,Ninja Hayate, and Time Traveler. You can get the first two from the sega cd wheel set,but I think I had to make a Time Traveler logo and theme myself.

I find,as with any wheel set, you will never have any real problem getting wheels/logos as long as you stick with the mainstream or more (occasionally less) known games...but,if you start chasing obsure or less popular games,be prepared to learn how to make the artwork yourself. Or make friend's with someone who can.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk

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On 1/17/2017 at 1:59 PM, RetroHumanoid said:

I find,as with any wheel set, you will never have any real problem getting wheels/logos as long as you stick with the mainstream or more (occasionally less) known games

I had the same problem as the OP - EmuMovies sync is a bit of a black box, if it can't match up the artwork it's difficult to know why.   If the logos were also available on the FTP (or even just a text file with the filenames) it would be easier to see the list and rename accordingly so Sync can get the artwork. 

The best strategy I could come up with was to download a set of low quality videos from the FTP then try to match my rom names to those.     Even then some things still didn't match up, I had to remove the (USA) at the end of the names of some of them.  

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