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FTP question - which ones do I need now??

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Ok, if I want all the HQ or SQ movies for use with HyperSpin, including the latest and greatest versions, which of the 5 directories do I need to copy?

I'm thinking for the SQ I just need [MAME .137] directory? Or do I also need the [MAME .128] directory? And then what's the deal with the [HYPERSPIN 1.0 MAME .136] one?

Also, I already downloaded these before Hyperspin 1.0 came out, will I need to download new ones before I can use HS 1.0?

And then same thing for the HQ ones? Or since the [MAME .137] is labeled WIP, does that mean they aren't ready and I shouldn't grab them yet? It's very confusing to me. If there's a FAQ that answer this I apologize. I looked around and must have missed it.


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