Game Videos
1 file
emumovies official Microsoft XBOX Video Snaps Pack (WIP)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for the Microsoft XBOX (Work in Progress)
Standard Quality - Site, FTP, Sync High Quality - FTP, Sync
I know these are early as emulation still is not great for this system, but I went ahead and started the video snap set off of an actual XBOX via HDMI. Closing in on halfway done so thought I would post my progress. More to come!
High Quality
Standard Quality
High Quality
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 856x480 / 640x480 Video Count 395 Total Size 7.88GB Frame Rate 60 / 50 Audio 192 kbit/s Standard Quality
(Site, FTP, Sync)
Resolution 426x240 / 320x240 Video Count 395 Total Size 1.44GB Frame Rate 30 / 25 Audio 128 kbit/s5,251 downloads