Aamber Pegasus
The Aamber Pegasus: New Zealand’s boldest attempt at a home computer, built for the brave souls who didn’t need luxury features like "color graphics" or "sound quality." Launched in 1981, it packed 4KB of RAM—enough to do... well, not much. Want to run Tanks or Galaxy Wars? Sure, just wait while the cassette loads for what feels like an eternity. Sold fewer than 100 units, so it’s rare, but rarity doesn’t always mean good. Still, you’ve got to admire the Pegasus for giving it a go when the Apple II was eating everyone’s lunch.
Files From Subcategories
logos Aamber Pegasus Game Logos (Clear) Pack
By EmuMovies
Game Logos (Clear) Pack for the Aamber Pegasus
snaps Aamber Pegasus Gameplay Snaps Pack
By EmuMovies
Gameplay Snaps for the Aamber Pegasus
Aamber Pegasus HyperSpin 1.x Media Pack
By GalaxieGames
MESS 0161b_64bit
4 games are available with this system, emulated under Mess. Once in games to start, press the first letter contained in the title of the game with your keyboard (example for Galaxy Wars & Hangman) the first game in alphabetical order of the list, chose G for Galaxy Wars or H for Hangman, for Invaders typed I and for Tank waited a bit then pressed T
Active UI press Scroll Lock
Aamber Pegasus EM Default Platform Video (SQ)
EmuMovies Official Default Platform Video for the Aamber Pegasus
High Quality - Site, FTP, Sync
High Quality
Upgraded members can also download this collection via our FTP File Server and our EmuMovies Sync application
Aamber Pegasus Video Snaps Pack (SQ)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for the Aamber Pegasus
High Quality Pack - 3 Videos - 5MB Standard Quality Pack - 3 Videos - 2.5MB Initial Captures & Edits @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Standard Quality - Site, FTP, Sync High Quality - FTP, Sync
High Quality
Standard Quality
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Upgraded members can also download this collection via our FTP File Server and our EmuMovies Sync application
Aamber Pegasus Artwork Pack for RocketLauncher
By gooch
Aamber Pegasus Artwork Pack for use with RocketLauncher
Unzip to your RocketLauncher Media Folder
About RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is not just a launch solution. RocketLauncher is an abstraction layer that ultimately sets the standard in emulators and standardizes key mapping commands. HyperPause is the dream of any emulator menu. The modules break the barriers of compatibility. Rom Mapping solved the lives of collectors. RocketLauncher is definitely the last word in matters of emulators. The choice of Front End has become a matter of mere affinity for design. And besides, you are not forced to follow a single solution, like MESS, you keep using your favorite emulator.