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Aca les dejo mis dos primeros arcade Mames estan hecos en muebles tipo Floppy, en este momento trabajo en el 3ero en un mueble comun de arcade, si alguien entiende español y me puede decir donde conseguir "themes" para el mame en hyperspin se lo agradeceria, los themes 2d, no confundor con videos, eso los tengo lo que necesito son los themes.


Este fue el primero que arme:






Este es el segundo que arme:





Despues subo de el que estoy trabajando ahora.


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I bought a cabinet that is painted black for my mame machine. I started peeling the paint off with a puddy knife and found that it is a mk2 cabinet. Does any1 have ideas on how to get the paint off without damaging the art work under it. I didnt know if there is a better way other than scraping it off.

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  • 1 year later...

Probably a little late to help you but easy off oven cleaner works like a charm on most paints but it takes a lot of elbow grease & a ton of rags just make sure you have a bucket of water & clean rags left over when its all off to wipe the cab down with a wet rag if you dont rise the cleaner off it will begin to burn through the side art.

It took me 5 cans & the better part of a day to clean the textured paint from my star wars cockpit cab but it was well worth the effort

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