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4K Vertical Overlay and Video “shorts”


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Hi everyone!

Not new here really, but  I am new to posting in the forums here. I mostly hang around libretro forums.

I just went public with a youtube channel where I am showcasing various 4K arcade artwork overlays along with megabezel and crt shaders. As of now my focus is on vertical overlays. 

Please have a look at the channel a bit. There is a gallery for “shorts” and a playlist if you just want to let the vids cycle through their attract modes. Each video is less than 60 seconds each. On mobile, 2160p is available through the youtube app. Or directly on youtube on PC.

Downloads are in descriptions for the overlays. I think you can download the video clips from youtube, but if not. I will start posting them here for use in the near future if there is any interest.

Thank you for checking it out!


Lots of fun ideas and things happening here! Come visit and sub! New overlays and video shorts added daily!



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One more showing off the MegaTech 4K Vertical Overlay. While playing around with some settings in MegaBezel. I realized I was seeing Sonic 2 separated on both screens of the overlay during the 2 player split screen demo. Normally, this 2 player mode is a squished, stretched interlaced mess. But Megabezel along with the visuals of the overlay make this look like a lot of fun to try out!


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 I am starting to realize I am a SEGA fan boy... This one might be my all time favorite console. I also found an interesting easter egg while making the marquee. I used the blue lighting off the original Sega CD model one box for the effect. Anyways, this is a WIP but I hope to have it finished by end of week.

Thanks to @Duimon for providing renders. The bluish frame and speakers for this are from his work. https://github.com/Duimon/Duimon-Mega-Bezel
Also, thanks to @ArsInvictus for the lower metal grill. That one is from some of his work. https://forums.libretro.com/t/4k-vertical-overlay-community-contributions/25247/332

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This is an vertical overlay use with Retroarch or Mame NES emulation.

- Credits to Ars Invictus- 

There are many more overlays like this available on my Youtube channel or over at libretro forums.

Please stop by, browse around and subscribe to the channel and come join the libretro community!

Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPmoGjaZCVPOMKd_5Pu_aA

Libretro 4K Vertical Overlay Topic - https://forums.libretro.com/t/4k-vertical-overlay-community-contributions/25247


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This is a 4K vertical overlay use with Retroarch or Dreamcast emulation. Flycast is probably the best emulator to use for Dreamcast.

- 4K Vertical Overlay Credits to Ars Invictus - 

There are many more overlays like this available on my Youtube channel or over at libretro forums.

Please stop by, browse around and subscribe to the channel and come join the libretro community!

Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPmoGjaZCVPOMKd_5Pu_aA

Libretro 4K Vertical Overlay Topic - https://forums.libretro.com/t/4k-vertical-overlay-community-contributions/25247

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This is a 4K vertical overlay for use with Retroarch or Mame emulation. I used fbneo core for the emulation.

- 4K Vertical Overlay Credits to Ars Invictus - 

There are many more overlays like this available on my Youtube channel or over at libretro forums.


Please stop by, browse around and subscribe to the channel and come join the libretro community!

Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPmoGjaZCVPOMKd_5Pu_aA

Libretro 4K Vertical Overlay Topic - https://forums.libretro.com/t/4k-vertical-overlay-community-contributions/25247

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Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja: Released in 1988

Strap in, because you're about to take a trip back to the 80s with the epic battle of "Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja"! Get ready to dive into the pixelated world of street fighting and martial arts! In this classic arcade game, you take on the role of one of two badass bad dudes, Blade and Striker, on a mission to rescue the President from the evil Dragon Ninja. But it won't be easy. You'll have to use your amazing martial arts skills and lightning-fast punches and kicks to defeat wave after wave of deadly enemies, including ninja warriors, karate experts, and even gigantic bosses!

Come see all available 4K Vertical Overlays for Retroarch / Mame here..


Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja
- Marquee from https://www.arcadeartwork.org/
- Cleaned by Papashine
- 3D control overlay by Papashine
- Lay file by Papashine

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Cruis'n Blast 4K Vertical Overlay

Do you love playing Cruis'n Blast on Yuzu and Ryujinx?

If you're a fan of arcade racing and want to enhance both the visuals and gameplay of Cruis'n Blast, you're in for a treat. With this overlay artwork, you'll experience a whole new level of immersive gaming.

This mesmerizing artwork overlay perfectly blends with the dynamic gameplay, creating a seamless integration that enhances the overall aesthetics of Cruis'n Blast. From stunningly realistic landscapes to vibrant explosions, every aspect of the game becomes more immersive, visually striking, and awe-inspiring.

Subscribe to our channel for more exciting gaming content, updates, and future overlays for your favorite games. Stay ahead of the curve and never miss out on the latest ways to enhance your gaming experience.


Come see all available 4K vertical overlays for Retroarch / Mame  and other emulators here.



Cruis'n Blast 4K Vertical Overlay

- Photographs, layout and design by far327


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