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2 Suggestions for feature EmuMovies sync future updates.



Got a both EmuMovies and Launchbox and when it comes to looking for media, Launchbox is more complete but dog slow while EmuMovies Sync works quickly but misses a decent amount. My quick proposals for future release.

1) The big one, instead of searching by file name, allow it to search by hash value of the file, that way, regardless of the naming convention, the file can be pulled. And Mame, No-Intro, Redump and all the rest typically keep .dat files with those hashes in them to get. Would allow for far fewer missed searchings.

2) The ability to pick a region preference for a game, that way if the game is released in multiple regions, it pulls from the one closer to you.

3) When it comes to the drop down for the media type, instead of just having a drop down where you click one or all artworks, have a custom search option where you can use a checkbox to click the specific media files you would like.

4) The ability to choose the orientation of 3d boxes, with the sync software, you could set it up to dynamically create them from the 2D artwork so you wouldn't need to keep the images stored on your side except for legit 3D images of the boxes. When you are getting all your images of boxes standing upright only to have 1 system all laying down, you end up having to look elsewhere, its kinda like when you have a single dead pixel on your monitor, the moment you notice it, it is all you can focus on.

Do like the site and the software overall though, but not being able to search by hash file is something that both Launchbox and EmuMovies lacks that leads to many false positives and missing media and metadata for searches, and for neat freaks and perfectionists, that can drive them nuts.

Edit: Sorry if I put this in the wrong spot, wasn't sure where to put suggestions, and I noticed it ended up being more than 2 suggestions, the other 2 I though of while typing this.

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