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Thanks for the holiday discounts


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Circo and crew,

Just wanted to shout out a thanks for the whole community for the discounts you have been offering. I have been a lifetime member for awhile and always felt it was an excellent value. Then you guys come up with this AWESOME download service. Now I feel like I am stealing :)

But seriously I know the economy is tight and I am sure everyone appreciates a little extra savings this time of year!


P.S. Site looks SICK!

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Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents as well. I am very new to this site, and it's really great all the work you guys put into these collections. Honestly, even if it wasn't required for full download access, I would contribute to you guys. Indeed, I plan to get a subscription here, and contribute to Hyperspin (another seemingly hardworking community). Just wanted to say, you guys are the best, and all your hard work is appreciated!

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