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Apple II Video Snaps


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Apple II Video Snaps

This is a collection of 800 gameplay videos for the apple II.  I submitted these video snaps to a different category earlier, but I've now reencoded all the files to MP4 H.264 and at a consistent resolution.  My next project is to recapture all the videos, but that will take some time.  I haven't taken down the old submission in case someone asks me to take this one down as it's "not official". 

  • Submitter
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  • Category
  • Resolution
  • Naming Convention
  • Frame Rate
    30 FPS
  • Total Files in Collection
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I collected the videos from various sources as well as directly capturing about half of them.   This was not done continuously but over some period of time.   As such the original source material was captured at different resolutions, bit rate, etc.   I reencoded the original files for consistency but the videos may still appear a little uneven due to the source material.   Thus at some point id like to recapture all the videos with the same resolution and format 

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