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Will game preview videos work after my subscription expires?

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Having a paid membership means you can download videos at the highest quality and without the download restrictions.

EM is not a cloud service that hosts the vids here for streaming, you need to download/sync everything to your pc/cab/nas. This means once you download the vids with whatever method you use, you have them.

As soon as your paid membership ends, you're back to the restrictions.  But everything you downloaded before then, you have. However, if you lose/delete whatever you have downloaded after you membership ends, you either have to download with restrictions or renew your paid membership.

The advantages of the lifetime membership is that when sets get added/updated, you don't have to worry about the restrictions. Whatever you choose, it'll be fine. If you can download everything EM has to offer within the shortest paid membership, that is cool. You could also just use the free membership with restrictions and download as you set up systems and see how it all works out for you. Then upgrade whenever you feel.

The vids are independent of of front-end and many FE's will allow you to store the vids outside of the FE's file structure pointing to them. This way you can use them for multiple FE's at the same time or have an easy migration if you ever decide to change your Front-End

Hope that's clear enough.

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