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The Hyperizer! for 3DArcade (Utility)


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Following the integration of HyperLaunch in 3DArcade, though it's not necessarily related, I made a program that will convert an existing HyperSpin main menu wheel into a 3DArcade Selection Set entry.
With it you can, but are not limited to:
- Have a standalone 3DArcade setup that uses the exact same structure/roms/medias as the existing HS setup.
- Integrate 3DArcade as a HS wheel entry and enjoy the 3D part of it, with the above advantages.

Here's a video of the process: (the available/current version has a GUI, an "infinite" progress bar and options to select default arcades and skins.)



- "@\Databases\Main Menu\Main Menu.xml" is converted to a "HyperSpin" Selection Set entry for 3DArcade.
- Each system has an emulator configuration created that's set for HyperLaunch.
- Every systems are added to a gamelist selection set with the selected default arcade and skin associated
- All* xml dbs from inside each system folders are converted to atf game lists. *for MAME it will only convert the full list, aka. "@\Databases\MAME\MAME.xml".

The first time it runs, it will take a little while to convert all databases, especially if there are a lot of them and also if they have a lot of games within them.

Important notes:
- An already set up 3DArcade installation will remain intact, with only the "HyperSpin" Selection Set added.
- It will never overwrite existing lists. To update an existing one, the file has to be deleted manually.
- The same for emulators, it will be created only if it's not already present.
- The HyperSpin menu (3DArcade side) will always be rewritten so any system that is removed or added from the HS installation will be reflected.
*! It also means that any custom arcade, skin, GS 3D model, etc... associations will be lost.
- By default, the HyperLaunch folder is set inside the 3DArcade folder. If you plan to use an existing HL setup inside an other folder (for example HS), you'll have to change the path in the relevant 3DArcade emulator configurations.
- HyperLaunchHQ will only work with a single frontend. Using both HS and 3DArcade as standalone will require 2 separate HL/HQ setup. (Though they can use the same medias and such with the correct paths set up)


Cheers :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow! I just found that yesterday and was wondering how to incorporate that database into 3D Arcade. Thanks big time. I also want to say thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the FE as you bought a new perspective of what this FE can do. It is still the number 1 FE in my book.

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Glad you like it :)


This app tries to do its best being automated and all but I haven't worked on improving it further.

A quick note here, if you want to use HLHQ with 3DArcade, you have to change "Load_Plugins=false" manually to "true" in "HyperLaunchHQ.ini"

The 2 ini files in the plugins folder can be generated with this app (the "HLHQ ini files" checkbox) so you simply need to copy/paste/replace them or edit manually.

If you know your way around the FE configuration you can convert HS databases with my other app (3D Arcade Settings Editor) and add menu entries with much more control. In fact, only a proper filter editing solution is missing, every other FE features regarding menu configuration are there.

The last version has a HyperLaunch button to setup emulators quickly if you plan on using HL as well.


That's where my focus primarily is at the moment and I'm still working on the next version. (although not aggressively :P)

[...]of what this FE can do[...]


Still looking for what it can't do :D


Anyways, don't hesitate to ask/report if you have questions or issues regarding my apps. I'll be happy to help.



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